Monday, March 25, 2013

Difference Between SPQuery and SPSiteDataQuery?

InterView Questions on SPQuery and SPSiteDataQuery
  1. What are SPQuery and SPSiteDataQuery?
  2. SPSiteDataQuery properties?
  3. Difference between SPQuery and SPSiteDataQuery?
  4. What are the limitations of both?
  5. How the SPQuery and SPSiteDataQuery return?
  6. How to set the row limit to the both?
  7. Searching scope levels of SPQuery and SPSiteDataQuery?
  8. What is the max limit of querying the lists using SPSiteDataQuery?
  9. Is it possible to query the records across the site collection level using SPSiteDataQuery?
  10. What is the default row limit value for the SPQuery?
  11. SPQuery.RowLimit Property?
  12. To Query all Web sites in this site collection?
  13. How to query the specific lists only using SPSiteDataQuery?
  14. Difference between Caml and Linq queries?
  15. How to set the Max lists limit?
  16. what all are Errors you faced while working on SPSiteDataQuery?
  17. I have created a custom list called “Employees” in all the sites in a site collection and have added the data in all the lists. Now I want to query those specific lists only. What is the approach?
  18. How can consider hidden lists also in SPSiteDataQuery?


  1. Good information. I'm using SPSitedataQuery to retrieve items inside a Sub-Web, the thing is I need the item only in some child webs not in all webs.I was trying to use the WebId in the filter but it doesn't work,Any Ideas?

  2. Then no need to use SpsiteDataQuery, use simple spqury.
    SpsiteDataQuery can be performed across multiple lists in multiple web sites in the same site collection and It will only return results from one list type at a time.

  3. You mention Difference Between SPQuery and SPSiteDataQuery and briefly describe it in your blog is really effective for those who never know about the difference between both of them.
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    Thanks For This Information. Such a Nice Blog Information.
